- King James I was a Christian and wanted the Bible in the hands of the common man. Therefore, he commissioned the Authorized King James Bible in 1611.
- King James had crippling arthritis, weak limbs, abdominal colic, gout, and a number of other chronic illnesses. He also had physical handicaps which affected his legs and tongue. There were also numerous attempts on his life.
- Fluent in Greek, Latin, French, English, and his native Scots. Schooled in Italian and Spanish.
- Held the Roman Catholic Religion in contempt. Roman clerics tried to kill him more than once. The King was born during the time of the Reformation.
- Wrote extensively including Basilicon Garon (the Kingly Gift), Daemonolgie, and other varied subjects such as "Counterblaste to Tobacco" which condemned the use of tobacco.
- His mother was Mary Queen of Scots who was executed in 1587 after 19 years in prison. His father, Lord Darnley, was murdered in 1567.
- King James became King of Scotland in 1567 when he was 13 months old and became the King of England in 1603.
- William Shakespeare was one of his subjects. Learning and writing thrived under the King's reign.
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King James also wore funky looking hats... |